SemInOrgCom (

The SemInOrgCom wokshop is been postponed to a later date at another conference

Interaction and communication are at the heart of every organisation, from small to large, and take many forms: email, group messaging applications, face-to-face and online meetings of various sizes, and others. Insights into how people express complex issues, discuss their own and others’ intentions and make decisions could help make these processes more efficient and/or transparent and lead to a range of assistive tools. However, the group interaction involved is often at a scale between the small scales usually assumed in computational semantics or dialogue modelling, and the very large scales usually studied in social networks. The organisational nature also brings important factors that affect language and the meaning expressed or understood – explicit or implicit hierarchy, shared or disputed goals, and social groupings with competitive or collaborative agendas – well known in other disciplines but not often taken into account in computational semantics. The computational linguistics community has looked at various relevant phenomena and tasks (e.g., meeting summarization, intention detection, intention detection, argument mining, agreement/disagreement detection, persuasiveness detection), and some relevant datasets have been produced (e.g., the Enron email dataset). However, there are still relatively few attempts and few resources or approaches to semantics in organisational communication in general. This workshop aims to fill this gap to model, analyse and understand overall organisational communication, and encourage collaboration between researchers from diverse backgrounds, including computational linguistics, organisational psychology, and computational social science.

Keynote speakers

Important dates:

Regular and non-archival submissions:

  • April 14th Submission deadline
  • May 12th Notification of acceptance
  • June 9th Camera-ready deadline for regular papers


  • March 8th – May 31st Participants working on Hackathon
  • March 31st First meeting with Hackathon participants
  • May 2nd Second meeting with Hackathon participants
  • June 7th Submission deadline for system description papers
  • June 9th Camera-ready deadline for hackathon system description papers

Submission link:

More details on the SemInOrgCom page (

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